
Making mine sites safer using digital LiDAR

Open voids are a potential hazard in both underground and open cut mines. Jake Hartwig from Custom Mining Solutions has created a solution using digital LiDAR to provide site users with real-time feedback on the status of the void and void face.

In the video below, Alistair and Jake take a look at the setup of the Void Monitor at the base of the pit in Kanmantoo Copper Mine.

Ouster Digital LiDAR

The Void Monitor uses an Ouster OS0 Ultra-Wide View LiDAR Sensor to constantly measure the void and edge area.

These measurements are processed in realtime toclassify the status of the void. The status is communicated through a traffic light system. The traffic light provides four levels of feedback.

  1. Green Light – The green light represents that the void is structurally sound, and the driver of the vehicle is safe to proceed with unloading.
  2. Amber Light – If an amber light is displayed, the area has filled to its capacity, and the driver of the vehicle cannot proceed.
  3. Amber Light Flashing – This appears when material is being tipped into the void.
  4. Red Light – If the traffic light displays a red light, this represents overbreak (collapse of rock) and the area is not safe to tip.
Ouster OS0 Ultra-Wide View LiDAR Sensor

The 128 channel Ouster digital LiDAR is generating 1.3 million laser pulses per second which can deliver up to 2.6 million 3 dimensional measurements per second.

The intuitive traffic light interface really is a fantastic solution as it translates this data into something very simple to understand.

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